...is going to Japan for a conference tomorrow, for two weeks. He's going to show off his robot in some international robotic event. And I'm proud of him.
But seriously I've never been away from him that long (no kidding..) and I know I'm going to miss him..I keep on telling myself "For God's sake, it's only two short weeks!"
I really should get a life.
I often feel that I put myself in my self-created so-called bad condition. So, I really need to stop thinking the sad things, and start thinking of small things that I should be happy and grateful with.
Okay, here is a list of the two-week blues remedies (hope I won't bored you) :
1.. I have a stack of books I bought but didn't get the chance to read
- Twilight : I'm still stuck at the first book (what's the first book's title again?) when Edward starts going after Bella.
- Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows which few pages I've read months ago
- The Revolutionary Road
- My Sister's Keeper
- September's Elle (But September is finishing soon..)
- 3 other books my Mom bought for me (These ones are must-read)
2.. I can go on diet, which I can't while boyfriend is around, he always takes me to eat good food, which of course I cannot resist. I might be able to actually wear my skinny jeans again!! (I lose and gain weight very fast, and I don't know whether it is a good thing or not)
3.. I have a stack of dvds I didn't get the chance to watch
- Boys Before Flower, ya I know it's cheesy, but the guy is quite cute
- Kim Sam Soon, I don't know what the hell is this, my friend lend me
- CSI New York season 5 woohoo
I think I should finish these before I really buy House and Gossip Girl
4.. I just found one new place that serves tasty cuppa, named Black Canyon. Finding a tasty cuppa always makes me happy. I can go there again one day (or two) this weekend.
5.. I can chit chat with my mom and sis longer. My mom has 'booked' me for chatting session everyday after work, while my boyfriend is away. Isn't she sweet :)
6.. More shopping session with bbf!! ....which is probably not a good idea, after a second thought.. I really do need to save money to get a house.. okay, chatting over coffee (and dessert) session..
7.. I have time to pamper myself!! It's been quite long.. I can do some home spa. maybe some face mask, manicure, body scrub, or hair cut (!!! my hair is a mess) ..
8.. I finally have time to take some outfit photos. I always want to do this since I love mix&matching things I have in my wardrobe..Let's see if I can actually do this..
9.. ...................
I think I should stop, it's enough for two weeks..And my lil sis just gave me a lecture on how to be a romantic girlfriend (I'm a super romantic person, NOT).
sis : Just for once, be romantic, get him some small stuff that will remind him of you..maybe, boneka babi?
me: u mean barbie?
sis: whatever..just take him to a dinner and while waiting for the food, you can run to the nearest shop and get something..
me: why do I need to run?
sis: grr..because you need to rush unless you want him to think that you're doing something "big" in the toilet..
me: but, me and him can msn and even webcam everyday...
sis: technology is the least romantic thing in the world, u know that?!
me: ok ok fine, I'll be romantic for once and get him something.
sis: good..a relationship need some spices to live on, you know..
My little sister is teaching me to keep a relationship alive. great. Okay, maybe I will really get something for him, and show him that I too can actually be a sweet and romantic girl. (urghh, just this once)
I will really miss him though..