Wednesday, October 21, 2009

No News, Good News

Hi all my dearests, I am back :)

I have been away for a week, without any post, and I feel bad about it. Before starting blogging, I've made a commitment to post at least one post a day, and here I am, lazy as a slug :( sorry..
However, the whole week of my absence has been wonderful! My lovely mom was in town to visit me. This time she came here alone.

As expected, we had a blast!! We spent our time together catching up, sharing latest gossips, eating out, laughing thunderously, cooking. I was having so much fun with her. My mom brought a lot of food from my hometown, most of them are my mom's homecooking, and they're just even more delicious than I remembered. My boyfriend loved it so much he could not stop asking for more. Of course, that made my mom extremely happy and self-content.
Unlike before, this time my mom wanted to relax at home, or just sat in a cafe chit-chatting. So we did that. My boyfriend would come along a few times, and he got along really well with my mom.

We spent the night talking about anything, or sometimes just about nothing. But, that time spent together was just everything for me. Since I live far away from my family, this kind of moment is hard to get, so whenever I get to enjoy that moment, I always try to enjoy it to the fullest.

It was quite tough to see her leaving, going back home, although I'll be going back in two months for a long holiday also. But well, I do need to grow up and be strong, that's what I keep on telling myself. Like what my mom says, "let go and let grow" Sometimes you need to let one go to let one grow, well, that's true.

Oh, I finally got the chance to take my mom's photo, she is usually very shy :) So here's my lovely mom and me..Do I look like her? When I was small, people always said that I looked like my mom. But as I got older, people said that I didn't really look like her anymore.. Hmm, I didn't know that I changed that much...

Can't wait to go back and see her and my whole family again!!
How was your weekend dearests??


  1. Moms aren't just God's sweetest gifts, but they're also awesome cooks! We really should spend time with our parents, as often as we can.Ü

    I think you slightly have your Mom's eyes. By the way, the dress that you're wearing in the photo is pretty.

  2. They really are, aren't they?? i agree totally with you :)awesome cooks!! hehe

    aww, thanks russ..I love that dress also, but didn't get the chance to wear it, that was the first time i wore it. :)
